Why not be Happy? (10 tips to get you started)

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Do you have a dream? What are you doing to make that dream a reality?

If you do not have an answer to the above questions, try the ones that follow.

When did you give up on your passions? And why?

Based on the global average, most of us will probably live till we’re 65 (67.2 to be exact). Of which 50 years are exhausted on our careers. During these 50 years, wouldn’t it be nice have your career focused around something you like?

Plenty of people feel that passions and careers should be mutually exclusive. I beg to differ. If your job focuses on what you love, chances are, you’d do a better job at it than anyone else. It has been said: “Do what you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”

For those who feel that their dreams are beyond their reach, here are some tips to help you out.

1) Dare to dream

The first step to realizing your dreams is to have a dream. Understand that no one other than yourself can tell you what you can or cannot do. And no one should. Have a clear vision of who/where/what you want to be.

2) Daydream

Envision your success. Think about how life would be like when you’re living your dream. Think about the things you would be doing and the rewards that go along with it. Give yourself a sample of how things will be in the “future”. This vision will help justify the hurdles that you may face while in pursuit of happiness.

3) Create an ego, feed your ego

The first step to creating a brand is to think like you’re a brand. If you like photography, position yourself as a photographer. Learn more about your passion. Immerse yourself in your passion. In time, you’ll become the master of your passion. Look to Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee on twitter), author of “Crush It!”, for a real-life example.

4) Work Hard

If you worked hard at a job you dislike, work harder at a job you like. Everyone wants happiness; few are willing to pursue it. If going after your dreams require you to work 5 jobs to make it happen? Work. Five. Jobs.

5) Have a Realistic Plan

Schedule realistic steps for yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your target won’t be in sight any time soon too. Take small, deliberate steps that you can control. (But always in the direction of your dreams.) Give yourself a realistic deadline to have certain things done and make sure that you can and will keep to it.

6) Be Tenacious

Be tenacious. Be determined. Be steadfast. Don’t let every setback demoralize you. If you do end up failing, make sure you learn from each mistake (Or better yet, learn from others’ mistakes), change your ways and try again. Don’t give up. Thomas Edison, in his pursuit for electricity-powered light, tried and failed with thousands of different materials before he succeeded. When asked about his numerous failures, he said this “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work.” Imagine if he’d given up on his first failed attempt.

7) Be Willing to Change

Don’t be afraid to adapt and adopt new methodologies. If you ever encounter a problem, figure out what went wrong. Don’t hesitate to switch out the wrong methods and try again. One of the silliest things we can do is to repeat the same process over and over again, expecting to see different results. Just practicing alone doesn’t make perfect. You have to make sure you’re practicing the right stuff.

8 ) Do It

I came across a medical term once: “Paralysis by Over-analysis”. Don’t let that happen to you. There are too many “what-ifs” for you to actually cater to. Concentrate on the issues at hand and solve them as they come. Keep moving and you will be all right. Doing it instead of just thinking about it can give you a different perspective. And that may be just what you need.

9) Have a Plan B

“The most successful people are those who are good at Plan Bs”. Understand that things don’t always go according to plan. Always have a backup ready. Know that in the worst case scenario, you’ll still have something to fall back on.

10) Be Unhappy (Be Really Unhappy)

I’m sure you’ve had days when you claim that you hate your life. Well then, be truly unhappy. Let your unhappiness push you towards change. Every day you spend bearing with your unhappiness, is a day you waste not doing something you enjoy.

It’s time to be happy. Why not?

Too many people forget that their happiness matters too. Have you?


About lovtoo

Lovtoo (Launching in Dec '10) is the world's first social network that focuses on expanding your network based on your passions. Encompassing everything from white water rafting to dark chocolate tasting. We know this is what you love.. Let us help you find others who would Lovtoo.
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17 Responses to Why not be Happy? (10 tips to get you started)

  1. James Blute says:

    Great article – – Tip number 3 “Create an ego, feed your ego” soooo true

  2. debdobson says:

    My friend, great job!!!! This is a wonderful, heartfelt, passionate post. What I love about you. I’m looking forward to reading your blog. Have enjoyed getting to know the heart in you.

  3. I love this! Lists do really well in blog posts and I love this one, in particular. I’m with James – I love tip #3. It IS so true! One of the things that keeps me from being happy is my all-consuming guilt over not being accessible to everyone, be it in the office, available for meetings, responding to email, or tweeting. I’ve learned, just recently (this goes with tip #5) that if I focus on one thing, get it knocked off my list, and then go to email and Twitter, I have more time to be accessible. I’m no longer chasing my tail and that makes me happy!

    • lovtoo says:

      Hi Ms Gini, thanks for taking the time to read my post and the nice comment~ I’m really glad you liked it! Heh, I like tip #3 (Create an ego, feed your ego) a lot too~

      If there’s anything I can do to make the your stay here more enjoyable, feel free to let me know~ I’ll be sure to explore it!

      Take care now~

  4. Edwin Toh says:

    Sensationally inspirational! Looking forward to many more great posts! 🙂

  5. I’m testing something so ignore me.

  6. Anita Nelson says:

    What a FANTASTIC start for your blog~!!! This is an incredible post with extremely useful information =) Looking forward to using some of these tips and definitely future posts!
    Anita @ModelSupplies

    • lovtoo says:

      Hi Ms Anita! Heh thanks for taking the time to check out my post and leaving such a nice comment~! I’m glad you found the post useful.. Will try my best not to disappoint~~

  7. Really terrific tips here! My personal favorite is #8 “Do it!” That seems to be most people’s most difficult obstacle. Great work dude! Keep it going! 😀

    • lovtoo says:

      Hey there Mr Roberto~ Haha yeah.. Number 8 is the most daunting. But we always have to start taking the first step. I’m glad you liked it~ Thanks for commenting~ If there’s anything that can be improved upon, please let me know~ =D

  8. Pingback: 10 ways I fight procrastination | Because you love it too!

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